June 17, 2012

Old-Shoe Friends

My heart is full.

I know I say that a lot around here, but it's no less true.  As Sunday draws to a close, it is as though we are slowly waking up from the dream that has been the past 48 hours.  Granted, a dream from which you wake with sand in your hair and a rosy-red sunburn on your shoulders - but still.

This weekend, we discovered a Pacific Northwest gem to which we've been (sadly) oblivious for the past two years:  Pacific City, Oregon.  One of Cole's best friends from college and his wife recently moved there, and we finally got our act together to go visit them.  And what a weekend it was.

We arrived late Friday night and immediately hit the beach to build a fire and roast marshmallows.  Fire, s'mores, beer, and friends on the beach on a summer night- does it get more idyllic than that?
That night, we stayed up into the wee hours of the morning just talking.  Reminiscing about the 'good ole days,' and marveling that we are old enough to have 'good ole days' to talk about.  It was as if time stood still - that is, until we realized it was nearly 1:45am and we're not 21 anymore...

The next morning, after sleeping in and lingering over breakfast, we hit the beach to soak up some long-awaited summer sun.
 Some handsome guy charging the photographer....  ;)

We spent all day on the beach.  Throwing the football, tossing a Frisbee, watching the waves roll in, skipping rocks, talking and talking, cartwheeling, handstand-ing, running, relaxing, burying Matt in the sand.... and soaking up SO much sun.

In the afternoon, Cole and I stole away on our own for a few hours to summit a nearby sand dune.  The views were breathtaking (or maybe I was just still huffing and puffing from the climb...) and the sprint back down was even better.

Once at the bottom, we took full advantage of low tide and explored the tide pools and caves.  (You read that right, Mom.  I voluntarily explored those tide pools :)
This weekend was just too much.  It was a sweet disconnect from the stresses of everyday life, a sweet reconnect with dear, close friends, and the most refreshing weekend we've had in a long time.  The time flew far too fast. There is something mysterious and wonderful about the effortless comfort of close friends.  It's like my heart breathed an audible sigh of relief.
A few years ago, my parents coined the phrase "old shoe friends."  These are friends that they've known for a long time; friends who don't need a housekey - they just walk on in; friends who need no agenda or itinerary, but are simply content to just be together; friends who may as well be family; friends that just, plain fit.  Think of an old shoe - the way you effortlessly slip it on and it hugs your foot with an old, learned familiarity.  It is comfortable and it is home.  These are old shoe friends.

Thank you, Matt and Kara, for a wonderfully refreshing time of fellowship and fun.  What a sweet blessing friendship is.  You're the best lookin' old shoes we've ever seen.

Well, I'm off to spread another layer of aloe on this sunburn and sweep up the pile of sand that mysteriously made its way to our laundry room... the weekend was worth every grain.

Happy Monday!


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We will also remind you that this is just a BLOG…just the highlights. We don’t sit around happily smiling for pictures all day long. Our life is far from perfect: we are imperfect people serving a perfect God. We do strive to glorify God, but we fail miserably and find comfort in knowing that our debts have been paid and we have been set free.