January 15, 2012

1000 Gifts: 121-140

-The Seventh Installment of 1000 Gifts-

121.  An oven that reaches 500 degrees
123.  Watching the two most important men in my life spend time together
124.  My mother's sweet wisdom, honest correction, and gracious hospitality
125.  My husband's hard work to help make this house a home
126.  The grace and generosity with which my husband gives forgiveness
127.  A fresh start
128.  Coming home to a freshly made bed
129.  The quiet of the early morning & a fresh cup of coffee
130.  Jaw-dropping sunrises
131.  Free tire-care at Les Schwab  
132.  Morning quiet times
133.  The generosity and hospitality of perfect strangers.
135.  A movie night cuddled in his arms.
136.  Waking up with a song in my heart and praise on my lips.
138.  Brownies and ice cream
139.  Toddler fingerprints on our coffee table
140.  A perfectly cooked egg

Blessed beyond measure,

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Just Us

We will also remind you that this is just a BLOG…just the highlights. We don’t sit around happily smiling for pictures all day long. Our life is far from perfect: we are imperfect people serving a perfect God. We do strive to glorify God, but we fail miserably and find comfort in knowing that our debts have been paid and we have been set free.