So often, I just feel like a 10 or 12 year-old version of myself stuck in a grown-up's body. I drive a car, I have a full-time job, I cook! My inner 12-year-old self can hardly believe it.
Growing up, my little sister and I played millions of make-believe games that were set either in a hotel, an office, or a grocery store. We dressed up in costumes. We answered phones and took messages like professionals. We even made up our own currency and business cards.
Yes, my hat says "Kiss the Cook" |
Now, I have business cards. Real ones. Weird. Now, I have my own office. With a window, a desk, a door, even a *gasp* phone... everything that my little 12-year-old self dreamed of. Now, I actually drive a car. (!) And yet, from time to time, I still feel like I'm back in our old basement playing dress-up and pretending to be someone important going about very important business. I just cannot believe that I'm old enough to be doing this.
I really felt it when the Mr. and I got dressed up for our anniversary dinner. It was the kind of date that my preteen self could have only dreamed of. The amazing food, the beautiful dress, the handsome prince.... part of me wishes that I could let her in on what her future had in store. She'd be pretty stoked to see the man who ultimately won her heart. I know I already wrote all about it over here, but a girl can wish, can't she?!
Oh well... I have a feeling that - as time continues to utterly fly by - this is not the last time that my inner 12-year-old self will poke her nose out and wonder, "Wait, what's going on? And what am I doing here?! Am I old enough to be driving?!"
What I do know is this: I don't have to grow up completely; and no matter how old I get, I will never stop playing dress-up.
love love love your blog!