October 22, 2011

My Heart

My heart is so very fickle.

All it takes is a few tough days at work and a few weeks' worth of sunless days, and I'm ready to pack up my bags and move outta here!  The very next day, I could be driving across the bridge into downtown or staring down a fire-y orange fall Maple tree and my heart wonders how it will ever say "goodbye" to this place.

See? Fickle.

My parents could have told you that early on, and my husband would easily identify that in me now. I suppose it's taken a few years' distance between high school and now for me to realize that it's more than just "Oh, I'm an emotional woman, so this is my prerogative."  It is lack of discipline.

I'm so thankful for the man that I've been given - who reminds me Where my foundation is when I am blown and tossed by the proverbial wind.

I'm even more thankful for the One who is never-changing, always constant, and who holds my heart despite its faults.

So very humbling.

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We will also remind you that this is just a BLOG…just the highlights. We don’t sit around happily smiling for pictures all day long. Our life is far from perfect: we are imperfect people serving a perfect God. We do strive to glorify God, but we fail miserably and find comfort in knowing that our debts have been paid and we have been set free.