June 26, 2011

Weekend Recap: Bulldogs and Blessings

Due to the dizzying pace of life lately, the Mr. and I intentionally didn't schedule anything this weekend... so that we could spend some much needed time together.  I love spending time with this guy... It was utterly blissful.
The sun was out on Saturday so we were off to picnic at Mt. Tabor - a place in Portland where you are in the city, yet feel completely removed.  We took our Bibles, books, and notebooks and spent a wonderful afternoon just reading in the sun and basking in the incredible view. I truly cannot convey how sweet this time was with my sweet man.

Also, we saw a young couple get engaged and an English Bulldog skateboarding.  Pretty bomb people watching, if I do say so myself.
We came home, got cleaned up, and skyped with our favorite family of three and cheered for the Mariners as they broke our hearts in another loss.
This morning, we were extremely blessed to gather together with our church in a park for our church service.  Yes, church in the park... it was pretty fantastic. Also, it was an excellent reminder of how blessed we are to be a part of this amazing church family.

While Monday comes, yet again, all too soon, we are thankful for this sweet time together and look forward to the coming weekends that will be filled to the brim with family!!
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What did YOU do this weekend??


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Just Us

We will also remind you that this is just a BLOG…just the highlights. We don’t sit around happily smiling for pictures all day long. Our life is far from perfect: we are imperfect people serving a perfect God. We do strive to glorify God, but we fail miserably and find comfort in knowing that our debts have been paid and we have been set free.